Saturday, May 8, 2010

Federal Prison Consultant explains why the increase in prison population, while the crime rate drop

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Two main reasons behind this phenomenon. The reasons for this phenomenon results suggest that the rules of 20 years ago created so that the Federal Sentencing Guidelines and the words removed.

First prison sentences are longer so prisoners spend more time in federal prison. The last 20 years, no one convicted of an offense has been sentenced in federal under the Federal Sentencing Guidelines. These guidelines were not in the traditionalSense. The guidelines require federal judges agreed concepts within a limited set of prescribed ranges. Penis length was determined by factors such as the amount of money and the number of victims involved in crime. To determine the length of a sentence, the perspective shifted from the perpetrators and victims.

In line with the shift from rehabilitation and punishment, Congress adopted the words while revokedFederal Sentencing Guidelines. The last 20 years, prisoners have been convicted of federal probation terms in order without the significant possibility.

The second factor behind this phenomenon is the efficiency of law enforcement of the pact. Faced with the threat of a draconian sentence length, a higher percentage of a defendant is guilty of crimes, rather than risk a trial. Since the late 1980s, over 80% of persons charged with a federal crime, he spentTime in prison. During this period, were conducted several campaigns against certain types of crimes. For example, we are still fighting the war against drugs and illegal immigrants rounded. The last 20 years has also seen the criminalization of conspiracy and criminal behavior before a long stretch of the imagination of one.

So, although it may be a marginal decline in the rate of violent crime, we are imprisoning more non-violent offenders for longer periods withoutPossibility of words.

The recent decisions of the Supreme Court has given some hope that this cycle could be stopped. These choices may judge to have more discretion in issuing sentences. The judges must still consider the Federal Sentencing Guidelines. Now you are allowed a certain leeway and should not blindly follow the former confined parameters. Statistics show, however, that the judges did not quite significantly different from the phrase guide.

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