Monday, April 26, 2010

What Constitutes Nursing Home Abuse

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It is a federal, criminal offense to deprive nursing home residents of their freedom from abuse, neglect and misappropriation of property or funds. The laws apply to visitors, facility staff, volunteers, family
members, guardians and other residents.

The Nursing Home Reform Act of 1987 entitles residents to live in an environment that improves or maintains their physical and mental health.

What is Abuse?

Nursing home abuse is any act that causes intentional harm or pain and can include psychological, physical or sexual attacks. Also included are intimidation, seclusion and corporal punishment (hitting, slapping, etc.).

Mental, psychological or emotional abuse may include berating, ridiculing, cursing, threatening, ignoring or deprivation of food, activities or visitors.

Physical abuse can result in both pain and visible injuries as a result of slapping, scratching, hitting, shoving, pinching, rough handling, unnecessary immobilization, or substandard care.

Rough handling may occur while administering medication, moving the patient or during other types of care such as bathing.

Substandard care often results in pressure sores, also known as bed sores, depression, incontinence or dehydration. In severe cases, more than one of these conditions are present.

Sexual abuse can occur as coercion to perform a sexual act, rape, improper touching or being forced to watch a sexual act.

What Qualifies as Neglect?

Nursing home neglect doesn't need to be intentional. It's the failure to provide the appropriate level of care, including the failure to react to any situation that can result in the resident's harm, such as failure to:

Promptly change disposable briefs or provide access to bed pan/toilet

Assist with eating, drinking, walking, bathing

Answer cries for help or call bells

Help resident participate in activities

Correctly position the resident in bed

Reporting an Incident

Your report should be in writing and dated. Keep a copy! Include every detail including the resident's name and age, facility name, employee(s), what, where, when, and all signs of abuse or neglect.

Start your complaint with the director of nursing, social worker and the facility's administrator. Ask them what, if any, other steps must be taken to have the incident investigated.

If a serious physical injury has occurred, contact law enforcement.

If the situation remains unresolved, contact your state ombudsman, local adult protective services agency and the state licensing agency.

Follow-up with the resident and all people or agencies investigating the incident. If possible, obtain written copies of the results of all investigations.

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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Criminal Car Wash Complaint On Car Care Inc - Illegal Alien Worker Scheme Is All Washed Up!

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After initially in car wash before retirement, I have always exercised the questionable behavior surprises as regards the employment of illegal immigrants. In fact, it was so pervasive that the entire nation, every new city we brought our affiliates, we expect local car wash and car wash chains Illegal Alien car washes use.

This problem is not new, has happened in the years 1980, 1990 and even now during the fight against illegal foreign workers after911th Not long ago one of the largest car wash chains in the nation reached for hiring illegal immigrants when their washing in three different states were all attacked the same day. I'm not surprised, not at all. Of course, Federal Grand Jury, who found Loaded Car Care Inc, and many of the company's executives a new scheme to hide their criminal activities.

You see, to stop every time the name of an office worker and the information was maintained, and an illegal immigrantwho replaced them. This went on for over 6-years until they were finally caught. Some 88% of the car washers were illegals. This may seem like an isolated incident, but it's not, the industry itself is still lacking the proper enforcement and integrity it needs to self-enforce. Whereas, this case may wake up other bad apple operators, it is merely a drop in the bucket to solving the real problem.

We have thousands of Border Patrol Officers collecting illegal aliens to be deported and yet, chances are the car washes they take their personal cars too, has tons of illegal aliens working there. We have a problem. The car wash industry needs to be cleaned up.

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Friday, April 23, 2010

Industrial Espionage

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Spying, espionage, and secrets have likely been around ever since human beings evolved into their current forms. In any case, spying and espionage to obtain the secrets of one's enemies since human civilizations have been of a large size. One nation or empire may have obtained secrets of another's by hiring spies to obtain secrets. Or, they may have paid people who were members of the opposing nation's government.

While most people think of espionage and spying in such a sense, relating to governments and nations, spying and espionage can also occur in the context of businesses. When espionage occurs in such a context, it is called industrial espionage or corporate espionage. Industrial espionage is very similar to 'regular' espionage in that its purpose is to gain secrets of one's opposing in groups. While in regular espionage one's "opposing group" or enemy is another nation, with corporate espionage one's opposing groups is another business. One business may pay an employee of another business to provide it with secrets of the employee's business's production process or product ideas.

There have been a number of notable cases of industrial espionage.

In 1997, a man was indicted on charges of providing trade secrets of The Gillette Company to Gillette's competitors. The man was hired by a firm that was doing contracting business with Gillette, and when Gillette asked for the man to be removed from the contracting company and the company obliged, the man sent drawings a new Gillette razor to some of Gillette's competitors.
Also in 1997, a man who had recently retired from Kodak started his own consulting company. Upon leaving Kodak, however, the man took with him confidential Kodak documents and secrets, which he later sold for around $25,000. As a result of his crimes, the man was sentenced to one year in prison, a $30,000 fine, and three month of house confinement with a tracking bracelet. Moreover, Kodak has filed a civil suit against the man for damages as a result of his providing Kodak's trade secrets.

Corporate espionage is a serious crime in the United States. In fact, under the Economic Espionage Act passed in 1996, stealing a company's trade secrets or providing a company's trade secrets to another entity is a federal crime.

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

When Should I Hire an Auto Accident Attorney?

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Almost one in every 50 commuters in both Washington and Seattle are dying every day due to vehicular accidents. This surge in the number of vehicular accidents is so alarming that the federal government have been forced to enact several more ordinances in a bid to mandate stricter traffic rules and promote safety driving among their citizens. Unfortunately, as with most accidents, state laws and federal regulations cannot anticipate every situation.

Being involved in a vehicular accident is no laughing matter. For one, you have to worry about the medical bills that you would incur should you sustain physical injuries. You would also need to spend money on having your car fixed as some insurance do not have a comprehensive coverage when it comes to vehicular accident. One of the ways by which you can lessen your expenses and consequent headache is to ensure that you hold the other party liable.

Unfortunately, not many people are aware of what their rights are when it comes to vehicular accidents which, oftentimes, lead to them not being able to claim for any damages. There have also been cases when the claim for damages came too late that it was denied due to some technicalities. However, do all vehicular accidents require the presence of an attorney?

You can skip on lawyer fees if your case is a clear-cut and simple one. This happens when the other party is definitely the one at fault and that he or she has admitted his or her guilt. This is also the case when you did not incur any injury or damage, or if the injury as well as the medical expenses involved is too low.
On the other hand, you would definitely need a lawyer if your case involves any of the following:

o Your insurance claim has been denied when, in your opinion, it should have been approved. Your lawyer could help you prove that you really are entitled to compensation claims.
o You sustained significant injuries regardless whether they lead to permanent disability or not.
o You require the services of a professional to conduct the investigation

It is also a good idea to consult a lawyer if you are not sure who to hold liable or if more than two parties are involved. Should you find yourself in the middle of a vehicular accident concerning a commercial vehicle, an auto accident attorney would also be a great help. Not only would they be able to ensure that your paper works are processed on time, they can also help negotiate with the commercial vehicle owner over any claims that you might have. You have to keep in mind that, in accidents concerning commercial vehicles, you have to coordinate with the company rather than the driver so it's better to have a lawyer represent you instead.

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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Free Criminal Record Check - How to Instantly Find Any Criminal Record Online For Free!

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Most people will try to do a free criminal record check at some point of their lives. The world has become a dangerous place and we all try to protect ourselves. In many cases running a background check is essential, like when you are getting ready to hire a new nanny or when you are dating someone new and you know nothing about him or her.

There are 2 ways to do a criminal record check:

- The Free Way:

Unfortunately, there is no easily accessible nationwide database that you can use to find this kind of information. However, you can still use some websites like the Federal Bureau of Prison's site and the Family Watch Dog site, which keeps track of sex offenders that have been released from prison.

You can also try using Google or Yahoo: just enter the individual's full name (including middle name) into the search box. Many newspapers have a fire and police section that they publish online. The more information you know about the person (date of birth, social security number, address) the easier it will be to do a free criminal record lookup. However, you need to keep in mind that not all states have the same laws regarding allowing access to this kind of data. In some states you may be able to get this information over the telephone and in some other states you may need to fill out a written application.

- The Quick Way:

If you are looking for a detailed report and have no time to waste, then the best choice would be to use a professional service. These online databases are constantly updated and you will be able to do a complete lookup for only a small one time fee. In these websites you'll find:

Arrest & Court Records

Warrant and Sentencing Files

Sex Offenders

Missing Children and Adults

Phone Numbers & Addresses

Family History Files

Marriage and Divorce Files

Bankruptcy and People Census Records

There are some very reliable services that only cost a couple of dollars and allow you to do unlimited background checks.

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Monday, April 19, 2010

Sued For a Debt - What is a Deposition?

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Debt collectors rarely take the depositions of the people they are suing because it is expensive. But sometimes the debt collectors will spend the money to take a deposition, so you should know what that means.

First, what is a deposition? A deposition is basically a question and answer session. A lawyer will be asking you questions, and you will be answering them under oath. That means you will be swearing to the truth of your answers. And that in turn means that your answers can be used in two important ways: anything you admit will pretty much be considered proven; and anything you say can be used as evidence in trial either to prove a point or to make you look like a liar.

What will actually happen is that you will receive what is called a "notice of deposition" naming a date, time and place for you to appear to be deposed. If that time is not convenient, you should say so. You should negotiate a time and place that is relatively convenient for you-but don't think you can avoid the deposition. You can reschedule it, but you're going to have to go if they want to depose you. That's okay. Usually the notice will say something like "starting at 9:00 a.m. and continuing from day to day until completed. Your deposition will likely take under two hours, but you do want to give it plenty of time so that you are not rushed into giving less careful answers.

On the day of the deposition, you will go to the debt collector's lawyer's office. People will probably be very nice, and it is fine to be nice back. Just remember that anyone you talk to will be associated with the people suing you, and any comment you make may well be recorded. It will almost certainly be told to the other side's lawyers. So don't take a sympathetic look or comment from anybody as actual sympathy.

You will go into a conference room where several people already are (or soon will be). There will be a court reporter-someone who will write down the things you and the lawyer say in the deposition-the debt collector's lawyer and often a junior lawyer too, and probably a representative from the debt collector. Maybe a secretary. It can be quite a crowd, but don't be intimidated. What's going to matter is the questions you get asked and the answers you give.

You will be "sworn in" by the court reporter, and then the lawyer will ask you a series of questions. You will answer these questions, and your answers, recorded by the court reporter, will be your "testimony." Remember that you must understand the question as it is actually spoken. Depositions often sound like conversations, but they are not. In conversations you will intuit what the other person actually means, sometimes despite what they say. In depositions you must concentrate on understanding the question asked and answer it literally.

Sometimes people say that "no good deed goes unpunished." I don't think that's always true, but in deposition it may be. If you're hurried into an answer or say something to try to seem nice or understanding, you can be sure it will come back to hurt you. Don't give your case away.

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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Easy Ways to View Public Arrest Records of Another Person

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With the help of computers and the Internet, access to public arrest records is pretty much easier to view now-a-days. Anybody from anywhere around the world can take a look at it if they want to. How convenient right? It is certainly an easy option to check on another person's background.

More and more people appreciate the fact that there are no restrictions in viewing public arrest records of another person. This is actually good because it makes it easier for people to track down and avoid people who may have done something undesirable and against the law in the past.

These records will practically show all the details you need. It gives you the date when the person was arrested, the reasons why he or she was arrested, and the outcome of the court case if any. One thing that we should note however is that we cannot have access to records of juveniles.

If our subject is 18 years old or below, you won't be able to find any public arrest records. The reason for this is because they are protected by law. One thing for sure though, if they are still juveniles, it does not mean that their records are clear. The only difference is that theirs are not made accessible to the public.

These public arrest records are certainly a big help for employers who are doing a check on job applicants to their companies. It is of course unethical and certainly prohibited to ask an applicant during an interview if he or she has been arrested previously, and of course the answer of the job applicant would not be a hundred percent reliable. Using online services that allow you to access these records are certainly more reliable.

Another purpose of an arrest record is for firearm vendors to determine whether or not they should sell a firearm to a potential buyer. The firearm vendor must not sell to any person who has been arrested for using a deadly weapon.

These easy to access public arrest records have certainly made it easier for us to trust people around us. It helps us to guard ourselves from potential harm without the need of going to any government office to verify or get the details that we need. All that we need to do is input the complete name of the person in question and we immediately get answers to our questions.

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Friday, April 16, 2010

How to Access Palm Beach County Public Records Online

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There are a number of alternatives that you can resort to when trying to access Palm Beach County public records. Located in the state of Florida, Palm Beach County is the third most populous county in the state. According to a study conducted by the Bureau of Economic and Business Research of the University of Florida, the population of the county is 1,351,236. Just like other counties in the United States, the local and state government also maintain a database of public files of their residents that can be readily accessed for legitimate purposes.

Palm Beach County public database refer to all information that are filed, gathered, and recorded by public agencies. A database for these records can be mandated by the federal and local government or by business entities and private individuals. Some of the more common examples of public records maintained by government agencies are driving, real estate, criminal, and immigration records. Some of these details can be readily accessed by the public, while others cannot be disclosed to protect the privacy of certain individuals.

Three of the most commonly accessed types of Palm Beach County public records are court records, voter records, and vital records. Court records include all documentation of court proceedings, with the exception of criminal court cases. Information about cases filed before civil, divorce, probate and bankruptcy courts may be obtained directly from the concerned government agencies. These information may also be accessed online through various websites that provide access to these.

Court records that are accessed online are usually available in the docket sheet form. In this format, case summaries are provided, as well as information, like case number and names of plaintiff, respondent, judge, and lawyers. Voter records, meanwhile, may also be a rich information resource, as they contain the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of registered voters within a specific county or state. Access to Palm Beach County public records, however, is strictly regulated. Lastly, vital records include all documentation about major life events, including birth certificates, marriage certificates, divorce records, and death certificates. These information may not necessarily be easy to access, depending on the type of vital details requested.

With the popularity of the Internet, you no longer have to personally submit your request for access to public records. You can process such requests online. Moreover, you may take advantage of the services provided by numerous Internet sites that maintain their own databases of Palm Beach County public records.

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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Online Felony Records Searches - How to Find People Convicted of Felonies

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Felonies differ from misdemeanors in that they require the person convicted to serve at least one year in state prison or two and a half or more years in federal prison. The types of crimes that are typically considered felonies are murder, rape, burglary, and drug charges. They are very serious crimes and the people who committed them should be treated differently than those who have not. So do do you know, then, if someone you're inquiring about has actually committed a felony or not? The answer is simpler and easier to find than you might think.

The most common reason someone wants to conduct a felony record search is because they are about to employ them for some reason. For some, it may be standard employment and they are the person's' prospective employer. For others, it is just a simple family trying to find out whether their new babysitter or nanny has a hidden past that she isn't revealing. Either way, you have a right, guaranteed by the Freedom of Information Act, that says those records as just as public for you to see as they are for the person who committed the crime.

Almost every jurisdiction has their own rules regarding release of a person's records. And even within those rules, they have their own safeguards to be sure the wrong information doesn't end up in the wrong hands. Privacy is a major concern for most governments, and unless you're able to prove the person you're looking up wants you to look them up, the courthouse may just flat out deny your request without informing you or the reason they are denying you.

The only way you can be guaranteed that you will perform a correct, and exhaustive search for a person's felony arrest records is by checking for their name in one of the national databases that consolidates thousands of public records into one. They aren't official government resources, however, they are the only place that you will find all fifty state's felony records in one place.

Additionally, the requirement that you will face at the local governments doesn't exist at the private database's website. No matter what your reason, you will always be free to investigate your, or your neighbor's criminal record without having to inform them. Additionally, these records will have any aliases the person has previously used. The government's resources, on the other hand, will not have that available to the common citizen.

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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Were You Charged With a Felony?

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White Collar Sentencing Consultants, Inc. specializes in important federal criminal cases. We complete your legal defense team.

White collar defendants and their families need answers. You want to know about prison, how to reduce the length of the prison term, and how to ease your transition to and from prison.

We know the answers.

We use our experience to give you credible, clear, and candid information when it is needed most.

No other company provides our services because no other company has our dedicated staff. The heart of our company is an experienced attorney who has tried over 100 jury trials. He also recently spent 15 months in Federal Prison where he worked as the Lompoc Camp "clerk" until early 2008. His duties there included resolving the complaints and problems of over 600 prisoners, with staff contact at all levels of administration. He can answer your questions and provide counsel through this process with compassion and commitment because he has been there. He has the unique and valuable perspective of a lawyer who was an inmate.

Our services include:

* Consulting with White Collar defendants, their family and defense counsel

* Analyzing issues relevant to mitigation of potential sentences

* Comparing your options such as placement and programs

* Describing strategic alternatives

Benefits include:

* Calmer and more informed clients

* Better utilization of attorney time

* Credible answers from a credible resource

White Collar Sentencing Consultants can provide benefits to our clients as soon as the legal defense team is assembled. One of the first crucial events that receive our attention is the preparation for the PSR/PSI report. Defense counsel know how important this document is to the sentencing recommendation. You may not know how many other ways this document is used that impact the client. For example, for one client, medical information was proposed to be set forth in a PSR/PSI.

This information was proposed to be used because it may have had a nominal impact at sentencing, if any. However, had the information been included in the final version of the report, the BOP would have applied their regulations and could have recommended placement of the client in a far-away medical facility. We were able to avoid this result early and the client received placement at the federal prison location closest to his young family.

In another recent case, a former lawyer who was represented by a prominent attorney appeared at a sentencing hearing to get a pre-negotiated prison term. He had not hired us. During the hearing his experienced attorney successfully argued for a three month reduction in the agreed length of the sentence. Although this sounds like a wonderful result, a result that would confirm the value of that defense attorney, it was not.

Neither the client, who had been a lawyer, nor his criminal defense attorney, realized the mistake. As a result of a three-month reduction in the sentence, the client was no longer eligible for a reduction of 15 months! Yes, due to the rules governing programs available to prisoners, the defendant was no longer eligible for a major reduction in his sentence.

Had we been hired at the right time, this tragic mistake would have been avoided. Still, we were able to arrange for an appropriate job assignment for the defendant. We were also able to arrange for his wife and family to visit him within days of his arrival at prison.

In still another case, even though we were consulted late in the process, we were able to obtain placement for a defendant into a program resulting in an 18-month reduction in the length of his incarceration. The 9th Circuit decided a case that had an effect on our client and we were able to take advantage of this development even though our client had been in prison for almost 2 years already. We keep informed of developments that provide benefits to our clients.

Our clients are armed with the information they need to obtain the best results. They can be placed in the appropriate location for the shortest period of time. They can take advantage of programs that are available, programs that may not be known to defense attorneys because they have not been in the system. And once incarcerated, our clients will know how to avoid mistakes. Significant attention is given to preparing our clients emotionally to deal with the adjustments required to assimilate into prison.

Mistakes in prison lead to harsh results. By avoiding mistakes, by knowing what to expect, our clients will not have to experience the draconian punishments used by staff, such as solitary confinement, and transfers to other prisons that are either more dangerous or farther from home.

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Monday, April 12, 2010

Against personal conflicts of interest - a dictionary as our weapon?

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2010 should see the finalization of a personal conflicts of interest rule proposed by the Federal Acquisition Regulatory (FAR) councils last November, but first harsh criticism levied at particular provisions must be addressed.

This proposed rule, issued under FAR Case 2008-025 on November 13, 2009, aims at preventing personal conflicts of interest among contractor employees engaged in acquisition functions closely related to inherently governmental functions[1].

The Rule is a response to § 841 (a) of the Duncan Hunter National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year ndaaa (FY 09 ndaaa), which required the Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP) conflicts, personal development of guidelines for reduce interest on deposits the employee contractor support or advice or recommendation for acquisition activities of the agency. Also charged that a clause should aim at reducing conflicts of interest,drafted and included in solicitations and contracts.

If this rule is implemented, it will add subsection 3.11 to the Federal Acquisitions Regulation, laying out the personal conflict of interest policy and other requirements. It will also insert FAR clause 52.203-16, "Preventing Personal Conflicts of Interest," to all contracts exceeding the simplified acquisition threshold where at least a portion of the contract involves "the performance of acquisition functions closely in connection with the functions of public nature. "

No one disputes the importance of a conflict of interest rule. The proposed scheme is the result of the Government Accountability Office (GAO) report, Contracting: Additional Personal Conflict of interest guarantees to certain DoD contractor employees (GAO-08-169), published in March 2008 [2]. In its report, the GAO, that "government officials believed that the current rules are sufficient to preventconflicts from arising for certain contractor employees influencing DoD decisions, especially financial conflicts of interest and impaired impartiality."

However, organizations and individuals that commented on the rule by the January deadline express concerns that major revisions of the proposed rule are necessary to ensure consistency with other FAR provisions and current laws, as well as to meet its goal to prevent and mitigate personal conflicts of interest in the targeted areas. Not only these commentators have described the problems with the procedure referred to the proposed rule, but found the ambiguity and anger with the basic definitions contained in the rule. In other words, at first sight, this is a proposed rule, which must not only optimization, but a regular rewrite.

Fortunately for the most part a rewriting of success is possible when the rule may herald the definitions of key words and concepts must be solved separately in order. This isbecause what this rule addresses, personal conflicts of interest, involves situations that are covered by case law and established as conflicts on a case-by-case basis and not by black letter rule. Thus, these are, for the most part, "soft" definitions, and liable to be disagreed upon at least to some extent.

For example, the Council of Defense and Space Industry Association (CODSIA) urged for revision of the definition of "personal conflict of interest," which covers "financial interests, personal activity, and relationships that could impair a covered employee's ability to act in an impartial manner and in the best interest of the Government." Sources of personal conflicts of interest highlighted by the rule include financial interests of the employee or close relatives of the employee, compensation, consulting relationships, real estate investments, intellectual property interests, research funding or support, and gifts, among others.

As noted by CODSIA, this definition is imprecise because important words in the clause are undefined. CODSIA recommended in its comments submitted that there be "further explication of the many varied elements and circumstances involved in the terms 'financial interests, personal activity, and relationships.'"

At the same time, however, so long as these words are defined elsewhere in the FAR, or there is a common understanding as to their meaning, ambiguity may be avoided. When interpreting language in a statute, if there is a long list of enumerated items, non-enumerated items will often be construed as having been deliberately excluded from the list. Thus, although CODSIA may be correct in asserting that clarification is necessary, promulgators of the rule must be careful to ensure that it is not written to be construed too narrowly. Moreover, CODSIA's recommendation that these "varied elements and circumstances" be defined may be unrealistic - while some may be defined by prior decisions, other FAR language, and other statutory language, an enumerated list of every situation may not exist or even be forthcoming.

The Project on Government Oversight (POGO) also urged that the rule be put on hold until the Office of Management and Budget clarifies the definition of "inherently governmental activities" as proposed by President Obama in March 2009[3]. POGO argues that there will be confusion until that guidance is finalized, incorporated into FAR Subpart 7.5, and applied by

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Sunday, April 11, 2010

The defense against false allegations of abuse - Defending Fathers

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October is "Violence" month home. The purpose of this statement, the awareness about the high level of violence in families is increasing. However, it is also a time to reflect on our laws, who create injustice and how to defend themselves against false accusations of abuse in a defective legal system.

Gender domestic violence

Today a war raging on the issue of domestic violence.

Groups of women say they are the first victims of NationalAbuse and orchestrating campaigns seeking sympathy for their position to respond. These efforts have been amplified by high profile cases of alleged abuse of stars such as Ike Turner, OJ Simpson, Mike Tyson, James Brown and Tommy Lee. The cases and campaigns eggs are often the focus of media in the United States. This attention in recent decades has brought awareness of domestic violence against women, and new laws to prevent domesticAbuse - some that focus specifically on women. One example is now visible Violence Against Women (VAWA Act) entered for reauthorization in Congress this year. This gender-specific laws on one side, but appeals to sentiment and traditional social mores.

Instead, until recently, groups of men are much less vocal. More recent efforts have led, however, the Judiciary Commission of the House adding gender neutral language, violence againstWomen Act in July 2005. However, abuse by women against men reported significantly lower for several reasons, see below, the men who support a legal system that is much less sympathetic treatment of men. One thing is certain, than women, there are very few social programs or non-profit organizations offer help to male victims of abuse and male victims of false accusations of abuse. Instead, every month seems to be new programs that spawn clinicalShelters, advocacy groups, and counseling centers that deal with abuse of women's issues.

Part of the problem is with statistics. It 'was once said that "lies, damned lies and statistics." Huge funds are for domestic violence with staggering disparities in the statistics that protect them. Statistics are by their nature, manipulable and subject to an appropriate methodology and a wide range of social variables. Some of the reasons cited for the accident under reporting of domestic violenceWomen against men include the social stigma, so that they, and the systematic tendency against claims by workers of law enforcement and the courts themselves, a deterrent to reporting.

Regardless of "who does what to whom more often" arguments, the way the legal system addresses such claims paves the way for use by participants, false accusations of abuse.

False allegations of abuse

One of the major criticisms of the legalSystem that addresses domestic violence including the structure and regularity in which false allegations of abuse and are considered by the courts with the primary intent of finding an advantage in divorce proceedings and custody.

One of the main catalysts for this abuse of the system is that there is broad definition of domestic violence. In most legal systems, in which domestic violence: the intentional and unlawful infliction of physical harm, bodily injury, assault, intentional orunlawful infliction of fear of imminent physical harm, injury or physical harm, family or household members, or a criminal sexual act, committed against a family member or a family member by another family or household. "Fear of harm" is a very subjective standard and one that can be extremely difficult to combat. A voice was raised raised or gesture, or is interpreted as threatening, can be used to make the claim domestic violence has occurred. This problem isgreater for men who are often larger than women and perceived as aggressive or more on a social generalizations which may, in exercise of official law enforcement, police reports and court room Reflected Judges render sentences.

Consequences of domestic violence claims

Allegations of domestic violence can have both civil and criminal penalties. In the civil context, the accusation of abuse of domestic violence restrain ScoreOrders, often called "Orders of protection." You can also have a criminal background in connection with assault or battery.

The importance of a judicial finding that domestic violence has occurred deep. In the context of criminal proceedings or penalties shall be imposed, imprisonment and "no contact" orders placed, the child may require the offender to leave the family to reside or no contact between a parent e. In the civil context, including divorce andCustody proceedings, the consequences are equally severe:

Presumption of custody. Most states have a presumption in law that occurred in the case of domestic violence, the perpetrators of that abuse is not physical, nor physical custody will be awarded.

No mediation in disputes. It is often assumed that occurs in cases of domestic violence, mediation for family disputes should not be necessary.

The restrictions on abusive behavior. A domestic violence restraining order isinclude a caution that defendant committed acts of domestic violence against the victim.

No contact and criminal violation. In cases where domestic violence has been found by experience, the Court will enter an injunction that would prohibit someone from contacting the victim directly or indirectly, whether through letters, e-mail , calls or messages through third parties. Any violation of these provisions immobilization, regardless of whether the contact initiated byVictims or not is a crime against the imprisonment in may be the result;

Exclusive use of the site. As a result of provisions, no contact info for domestic violence injunction, the defendant is also often within the family residence, Including all assets that remain, whether the family residence or Solely or jointly owned or leased by the parties. Often they will end the allowances for police officers to a party, accompany theResidence in controlling the disposal of personal property limited.

Problems Parents. A domestic violence restraining order is often agreed to limit their contact with children, may have been exposed to domestic violence. This in no time parents or parents monitored period.

Anger management and treatment. The court may also require a defendant to participate in a program of anger management, chemical dependency treatment and other therapies as a condition ofNormalization of contact with his children.

Restriction of civil liberties. In addition, the registration of a domestic abuse restraining order effects on other civil liberties. For example, under the federal "Brady Bill" as the perpetrator of domestic violence is excluded from the purpose of holding or in possession of a firearm for all.

Deportation. is a man who only lived in the United States, or has no legal status in the United States may be excluded from the search for legal immigrationWas based on the existence of an abuse.

Of course, if false accusations are made to abuse, the stakes are very high. Ironically, this is due to the low burden of proof for those who opposed civil restraining orders in domestic violence and the way in which abbreviated hearings are usually held.

Orders of protection, and judicial proceedings of evidence

In most countries it is the proponent that domestic violence has occurred, the burden ofTest for required only a "preponderance of evidence." A "preponderance" simply means that the party must demonstrate that it is more likely than not that the abuse occurred. This is the lowest legal standard of proof in the judicial system and a high degree of discretion is one trial court to determine whether this standard is met on the left. Too often, the courts issue a restraining order on extraordinarily weak evidence, to err on the side of caution. After all, are seeking a courtReelection wants their picture splashed across the pages of the Daily News trumpets inability of a person who is being abused then attacked later to be protected.

And 'equally disconcerting that the civil domestic violence hearings are conducted with little time to prepare, especially for the defendant, as well as a shortened way to accommodate the crowded court docket. While a person claims to domestic violence to plan their event in advance, the preparation of documentation or the production of othersupporting evidence for their claims, a defendant is often need to respond to allegations of abuse in the preparation of one or two weeks or less. If an oral exam takes place, the judge may often limit testimony and evidence for the case fits his agenda, often provide that the parties less than an hour or two to present the case. Since the defendant procedural their case, the second of his time is often very limited.

In most countries, a demanddomestic violence restraining order is also seeking an order under Part emergency order issued after more permanent return to court for a hearing. To provide an order ex parte, a person (often an abused woman shelter, lawyer office or domestic violence support) may submit an Affidavit seeking ex parte relief and movement. ex-parte relief is emergency relief and the allegations are reviewed by the court, unilaterally and without rebuttal by the accused.Based on this unilateral model, can the Court issue an order that the defendant removed from the family home, close contact between the perpetrator and the victim and the children often, and bring the matter to a hearing in the near future, but often weeks.

At the hearing of return, the parties are required, their witnesses and evidence to bring the problems of abuse by ex parte petition raised issues. At that hearing, the judge in manyJurisdictions offer a defendant the following options:

Accept the preliminary injunction without a finding that abuse has occurred;

Go to a hearing as evidence the allegations Contest.

The first option is often attractive given the low level of evidence that domestic violence hearings and the significant impact of the finding that abuse has been applied. Remember, the finding that domestic violence has occurred, the presumption that the person should not be doneCustody of children. The agreement on an interim result of abuse can live without a way for the defendant to fight another day in family court where the issues of custody. The disadvantage of this concession is that:

injunction is as long as a year in force, unless amended by a court decision that may restrict contact with parents and children affected;

any violation of the order results in criminal activity, thisProviding food for future false allegations that the order has been violated;

The victim may later try to extend the order on the previous period, and may do so often in flimsy evidence.

The second option denies the allegations in court, requires an aggressive defense. Too often busy schedules cause short domestic violence hearings in which a court enters an order that can significantly affect the future rights of the defendant. You should always checkHiring a lawyer is settings, eg to ensure that rights are protected, that evidence is properly presented and therefore inconsistencies false accusations of abuse can be exposed.

Protect themselves against accusations of abuse

to avoid conflicts. Related to domestic violence, we can say that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. If there is marital conflict, especially if the divorce is threatened, it is important to dampen anyConflict. Remember, what constitutes a "danger" refers to domestic violence, is subjective. Something as innocent as blocking a person leaving a room, so to speak "things" can be interpreted as domestic violence. Hang up the phone on a person for the same purpose may be sufficient to maintain domestic violence.

Use witnesses. When a divorce is threatened, it is always a good idea to have independent witnesses available when events are planned thatcould potentially cause conflicts. Even after a conflict to play a role as a witness, observing the environmental condition, whether the injuries were evident or the attitude of the parties.

File for a loan. If allegations of abuse arising from a particular internal conflict, you can first file for an injunction. Although this does not happen, many countries may help find a job after the fact, that leads to a potential for mutualOrders. In some jurisdictions, the allegations of any petition may be treated in the same session. In other separate hearings be held.

Address of the legal norm. Too often, seeking a temporary injunction submitted affidavits in which the question of whether they are truths, not the rule of law to enter an injunction. The result can be knowledge of the rule of law in your state is important. Where weaknesses are exposed in the pleadings, the case may be dismissedwithout hearing evidence. For example, allegations that an accused person to a third party that damages the victim may not be sufficient to explain why they are based on hearsay or other unreliable and that the threat was not made directly or made with the intention that Create fear is the damage to the victim. Cases of abuse that occurred long ago are often not sufficient to support a case for domestic violence when it does not hurt current expenses or to instil fear. Harm

Expose inconsistencies of fact. Once domestic violence is alleged, a primary goal would be to explain inconsistencies in the statements. The strongest inconsistency would be a strong alibi for the time in question. There is some independent evidence to refute the allegations? Do you have a call during the period in question that can be taken by telephone records or independent witnesses? Have you received, ATM receipts, store, or time sheetThe documents that can demonstrate your unavailability at the time of the alleged abuse? There are potential witnesses, bruises and injuries have seen, allegedly in a domestic accident can be supported in time before the alleged incidents?

Expose Documentary Inconsistencies. The more a person makes statements on their complaints of abuse, the greater the possibility may be that there are contradictions in their statements. Carefully compare the affidavits against police reports orother documents, including statements seem to exist in child protection records or medical reports.

Expose Behavioral Inconsistencies. After it was alleged domestic violence, can be crucial to emphasize that the victim acted in conformity half of a victim would respond. How much time elapsed between the alleged abuse and the complaint? Perhaps the victim initiate friendly contact after the abusive incidents that are presumed? If the victimParental leave after the incidents of alleged abuse do? Perhaps the victim to contact police, there was parents, friends or other persons at or shortly after the alleged incident of abuse? Those who call the person after the alleged abuse occurred?

Exposing the motivation to fabricate. Evidence that any alleged victim had a motive to lie, is precious. The most important test is independent evidence, such as letters, emails or other documentation from the victimthreatening a custody battle or implying that they claim that the abuse took place.

Challenge general allegations. Allegations of misuse can often broad and generalized, so that no specific dates or times are included. Such statements may also challenges such as lack of a general nature and the burden of proving that abuse occurred only be a preponderance of the evidence.

Subject of further allegations. Many Court will not allow a complete sacrifice of their initial briefswith new allegations at the hearing. This often occurs when the victim's initial allegations were generalized or if she feels that the case is not going well. An appeal can only be the testimony that is presented is outside the scope of the original pleadings and, therefore, prejudice the accused capacity to respond. In many countries, this statement can be excluded.

Present your case

At a return hearing, the judge will hear evidence in relationallegations of abuse. Before that happens, the court may ask the defendant if he enters with a protective layer around objects or if he will agree to its entry without a finding that abuse has occurred. After determining that a process can take place should the court, the parties who rely on a limited amount of time to present their case.

The petitioner or applicant is the person that allegations of abuse. This would present their case first by calling theirwitnesses to testify and to present all the evidence provided by witnesses.

The accused or defendant is the person who defends against accusations of abuse. He will have the opportunity to raise exceptions or evidence proving that is not offered in order and not cross-Examine witnesses testify that the petitioner. During direct examination to listen for statements that are not based on personal experience. Such statements should be challenged as inadmissibleHearsay. Key phrases to listen for to identify hearsay statements include: "She Said", "I was told," I learned, "he said."

If the documents are submitted as evidence to hear the testimony to determine whether it was set to provide any legal basis for the document. "Foundation" means that the witness has given evidence to prove the facts that it provides a reasonable basis for believing that the document is authentic and reliable to determine. Otherwise, you can use the object as an object is missingFoundation. "A witness may not testify to the contents of a document, unless and until it was offered and accepted by the court as an exhibit.

With regard to your cross-examination, it is important to prepare an overview of themes that cross Examine Each witness Including the testimony is meant by illegal. Under questioning, you should expose the inconsistencies in the claims of the petitioner, including the date of the alleged, focus site, wherethey occurred, persons present, inconsistent behavior of the victim after the alleged incident of motivation for the witness or victim and inconsistencies with other statements of the victim. Under questioning, you must not quarrel with the witness. You can create your own version of events to present as part of your case in chief. Instead, the interview questions will be conducted by a fact of life and particular state. Or, for example, instead of asking the open questions of "whathappened. "You should tell the witnesses what happened. Some examples:

"It is true that we speak with victims in preparation for your testimony today?"

"Actually, we talked more than once?"

"They keep a friend?"

"They want to see her prevail today, is not it?"

"It is true that are not present at the time of the alleged abuse has occurred?"

"It is true that the only information you have is, what theVictim told you? "

After the petitioner has presented all its witnesses, the Court will have the opportunity to present your case. At that time he would call any witnesses to testify on your behalf. Would witness the first question. Once the investigation is complete, the other party the opportunity to cross-examine them. It is not generally a good idea to have a witness to be hostile to your position, or who do not know what they say will call. We recommendPrepare your witnesses, before discussion of the questions I ask each of them, and what do you think can be questioned by the counterparty to the interrogation.

direct examination of your personal testimony is very different from interrogation. The direct examination is your witness of the stars. You should ask open questions and allow them to court to explain what has happened so narrative. You can not lead. A good question can be as simple as"What happens next?"

When presenting evidence such as a photo or document, you must realize that the basis for admission in your testimony. When a good test is completely useless if they have not admitted as evidence. Foundation can, showing how and when the disk or the photo was created, and that a true and accurate statements or images that represents is made. For example, foundation questions follow a similar pattern to thatExample below:

"Your honor, I approach the witness?" (You may have identified the problem by the clerk if this was not done in advance of the hearing. That is, a sticker on the plate with a number or letter is placed on them and described as "Appendix 1" or " Exhibit A).

"Mr. Jones, I'll show you what has been marked as Annex 1. You recognize this picture?"

"If you get the picture?"

"When it was taken?"

"You were thatTime. "

"It's a fair and accurate representation of the house that day?"

(Place after the publication base, you have the framework, providing the opposing party or counsel and move the court for its admission in evidence.) "Your honor, the 1st defendant Show"
(After the problem has been accepted in evidence shall be permitted to question the witness about the content).

After the defendant has called their last witness, would rest. At that time, the Courtmay allow the parties a short shutter speed reason, they believe the court must or must not do harm to the protection order. This is a time to summarize the weaknesses in the evidence and argue that the plaintiff has the burden of proof under the Statute met.

After these brief arguments, the court will issue its decision.


There is no silver bullet to stop a victim of false accusations of abuse. The threat will continue to exist asAs long as the current definitions for abuse and the legal rules of evidence remain in force without further procedural safeguards. Consequently, it is extremely important to be vigilant for warning signs that allegations of abuse and can be done proactively challenge them if they are aggressive.

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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Criminal Defense Attorney average wage - do not pay?

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The profession of law is an ancient vocation, which is the noblest profession of medicine and education. A lot of people struggling to lawyers as they are seen, the guardian of the law, but also because even as a very lucrative job. This is particularly true in particular in a section of the profession, the defense is criminal. Cause of emotional, psychological and moral risk that a criminal defense facesbelieved to receive a salary higher than average.

Criminal Defense

Criminal defense is basically a branch of law, the crime, and criminal defense work for acts constituting the accused parties, to prevent the crimes of conviction and avoid the dreaded dreaded penalties, imposed by the law. The role of criminal defense is difficult, because in hisHand the responsibility for managing sensitive issues. The defense of a crime is not an easy thing to do. It is not illegal as a defense in which the offense is committed only against an accused person. With a crime, injustice to the public. Thus, the defense attorney faces not only as victims but the entire community. For the average person, the challenge in the work of criminal defense could be sufficient reason to pursue this, but with much, since takingpromise with a big salary.

Defense Criminal Procedure

The average criminal proceedings across the country, in fact, undergoes the same procedure. The individual or group suspected of a crime has been arrested by police. serious cases are sent to the jury who will decide whether there is enough evidence to pursue a process would be presented. Again, this is not the process itself, the defense attorney has an important role at this stagebecause there is a possibility for the accused to be discharged at this point, and could be a great development. While the jury's decision has not yet been adopted, was the lawyer for the release of the accused on bail to work. If the jury decides that enough evidence to pursue the case further, the examination will be required. This is a place where criminal defense really work for their salaries. The test will be from either the jury or before a judge alone, when the jury is notare really needed, or if the consent given by the defendant.

The test is either a jury or before a judge alone, if there is no need for a jury or whether the defendant had given consent to be approved. First, the government would present its case with a lawyer, otherwise known as a prosecutor. The prosecution proved that the allegations are true in the indication. The defender, however, prove that the accused is not guilty. This is what most courtroom dramasdisplay ads, apart from the comfortable life because of the lawyer implied a great reward. But the task of criminal defense is not all glory and honor. It takes one to know better than critical media, what they do or what to say and have a sound strategy to preserve the innocence of his client. A great moral burden is placed on the criminal protection because it is really likely that he is guilty, the suspect is actually defend, and notNo matter what happens, you must prove that the suspect is innocent. This is not something the average person can do.

The law is a very difficult job, but for some people who have their benefits - are a great reward and deserves Respect big enough to pursue this career. But apart from the benefits of what is important is the passion for it.

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Friday, April 9, 2010

Hiring a criminal defense lawyer to help you before a Grand Jury

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If before a grand jury, or as a witness or defendant, it is important that you get proper legal advice to a criminal lawyer. You know how matters, which presented some evidence in your defense to handle, and so on. A defense attorney can ensure that you use all the pursuit of a defense can prevent '.

Short Definition

A grand jury differs from a trial, the jury of the grand jury decides if onlyor not, the accused should be indicted (in charge of the crime) or if the case be dropped. The jury only hears cases at the federal level, before going to trial. The jury is sworn by a judge, but there is no court to monitor proceedings. The Attorney General of the United States presented evidence and witnesses can testify to the jury. The jury then weighs the evidence to determine whether charges should be filed.

Common federal crimesbrought before a grand jury include, but are not limited to organized crime, counterfeiting, bank robbery, kidnapping, threatening an officer and fiscal offenses, such as tax evasion. The jury has the power to call witnesses and citing personal and / or records. Witnesses will be sometimes too, so charged, even if only named as witness, one might consider, in discussion with an attorney first.

Although a trial lawyer is not physically beBy your side during the proceedings of the grand jury may wait outside the courtroom and are available if you have any questions. You have the right to go outside to talk with your lawyer during the meeting. This is useful if you want to avoid saying things that you could compromise. A defense attorney can also help prepare your statement and assess the situation ahead of time. This could be very, if the case goes to court or a federal judge is seriousrejected. If you do not pay your lawyer to act as a legal defense during the trial, as was already familiar with your case.

Good to Know

You can take notes during the meeting in writing, you can write this question with your attorney to discuss later. Even before the Grand Jury interviews should be avoided. These are issues that should be discussed with your lawyer to capture. While lying in this application, the accusedAutomatic is a federal crime in itself. It 'important to wait and give your testimony at the session of the grand jury and present as witnesses, and all instructions are recorded. Also note that your defense attorney is authorized to accept on behalf served on your quote. This helps you any embarrassment of being served your business before your family, or somewhere in public.

Once you choose an attorney who insist on askingthe secret of secret grand jury of your study and served. You have the right to protect such privacy to be an indictment itself. Participation in the session can not tell the grand jury also sent a subpoena, but sometimes people carelessly, if you're not on this secrecy until it exists.

In seeking a criminal lawyer for your appearance, you should carefully choose one. It 's convenient for you ifcan find a number of lawyers with expertise in your local Grand Jury. It will be easily accessible when you need help with your case. You can easily find online resources for defense lawyers in your area.

The key is to remain calm and lets you manage your criminal defense lawyer guide you through. You will feel safer, knowing that an experienced professional is available before, during and after the jury session.

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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Criminal Court Records

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There are courts at the municipal, county, state, and federal levels, each with its own set of criminal records. A county may be considered as a province or a specific region, and there are almost 3000 counties in the United States. Each and every county court maintains its own set of criminal records. Normally the cases held at the county level include misdemeanors and felonies that are not reported at the federal level.

Accessibility to county criminal records is relatively fast when compared to the records of state and federal courts. A person called a court record retriever takes 72 hours to retrieve information and search most of these records manually.

Federal court criminal records include the data relating to drug crimes, immigration crimes, and crimes relating to weapons. It is highly difficult to have the accessibility of these records online. Even if a person has the accessibility, he can have the data only to a limited extent not covering the personal information of the accused and the witnesses. In the USA, federal court criminal records are compiled by a very popular agency called National Crime Information Centre (NCIC), which maintains computerized index of the criminal records prepared by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other agencies. Employers routinely conduct federal criminal checks before employing potential candidates for some of positions.

State court criminal records, on the other hand, have high accessibility via the Internet. Some state courts prescribe a range of fees for accessing their records online and some state courts do not. These records contain the data given by county indexes. These records also exclude the sensitive personal information of defendants like federal court criminal records. The best option in the hands of a searcher is to make countywide and statewide index search combined to have the full spectrum of the criminal record.

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Monday, April 5, 2010

Florida criminal defense lawyer

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As the crime and criminal are growing at a faster pace, so there is a need to check this pace. Whenever a person gets affected by these criminals, he looks for a lawyer to protect him. These people trust the lawyers to a great extent. In Florida, basically there are many criminal lawyers. They are best known for their case winning strategy and successful background. Some names include Bruce Jacob, Bryant Bowles, Chasterfield Smith, Juan Ramirez, Michael Mcdnnell, Roy Black,Tim Howard. All these are very successful and well known. They practiced a lot and won various cases.

Bruce R. Jacob was Assistant Attorney General for the State of Florida during early 1960s. He won various cases, the biggest case was Gideon v. Wainwright, arguing against Gideon. After leaving the job, Jacob worked as a private lawyer for the firm of Holland, Bevis & Smith, now Holland & Knight in Bartow and Lakeland in Florida. He at that time completed his LL. M. degree from Northwestern University and faculty member Emory University School of Law, where he was the legal counsel for the prisoners to the penitentiary in Atlanta Program.

In 1969 Jacob was appointed by the Supreme Court, as counsel for petitioner in Kaufman v. case of the United States. He served as a research associate at the center of the criminal justice system, in Project supports the creation of Harvard Prison Legal. He served as professorand Director of Clinical Program at Ohio State University College of Law as dean and professor at Mercer University School of Law.

Bryant William Bowles Jr. was a white racist bitter racial integration of public schools in the United States compared. He joined the Navy camp in 1939, was trained as a trumpeter and served during World War II and the Korean War as Corpal.

Michael McDonnell is a Florida criminal defense and civil law whose clients have includedFilm legend Hedy Lamarr, Baseball Hall of Fame, Gaylord Perry and members of the rock group Rush. His cases were present in Court TV, where he is also a guest commentator.

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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Criminal Court Records

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There are courts at the municipal, county, state, and federal levels, each with its own set of criminal records. A county may be considered as a province or a specific region, and there are almost 3000 counties in the United States. Each and every county court maintains its own set of criminal records. Normally the cases held at the county level include misdemeanors and felonies that are not reported at the federal level.

Accessibility to county criminal records is relatively fast when compared to the records of state and federal courts. A person called a court record retriever takes 72 hours to retrieve information and search most of these records manually.

Federal court criminal records include the data relating to drug crimes, immigration crimes, and crimes relating to weapons. It is highly difficult to have the accessibility of these records online. Even if a person has the accessibility, he can have the data only to a limited extent not covering the personal information of the accused and the witnesses. In the USA, federal court criminal records are compiled by a very popular agency called National Crime Information Centre (NCIC), which maintains computerized index of the criminal records prepared by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other agencies. Employers routinely conduct federal criminal checks before employing potential candidates for some of positions.

State court criminal records, on the other hand, have high accessibility via the Internet. Some state courts prescribe a range of fees for accessing their records online and some state courts do not. These records contain the data given by county indexes. These records also exclude the sensitive personal information of defendants like federal court criminal records. The best option in the hands of a searcher is to make countywide and statewide index search combined to have the full spectrum of the criminal record.

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Friday, April 2, 2010

Florida Criminal Lawyer

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As the crime and criminal are growing at a faster pace, so there is a need to check this pace. Whenever a person gets affected by these criminals, he looks for a lawyer to protect him. These people trust the lawyers to a great extent. In Florida, basically there are many criminal lawyers. They are best known for their case winning strategy and successful background. Some names include Bruce Jacob, Bryant Bowles, Chasterfield Smith, Juan Ramirez, Michael Mcdnnell, Roy Black,Tim Howard. All these are very successful and well known. They practiced a lot and won various cases.

Bruce R. Jacob was Assistant Attorney General for the State of Florida during early 1960s. He won various cases, the biggest case was Gideon v. Wainwright, arguing against Gideon. After leaving the job, Jacob worked as a private lawyer for the firm of Holland, Bevis & Smith, now Holland & Knight in Bartow and Lakeland in Florida. He at that time completed his LL. M. degree at northwestern University, and joined the faculty of Emory University School of Law, where he established the legal Assistance for Inmates Program at the Atlanta Penitentiary.

In 1969, Jacob was appointed, by the Supreme Court, as counsel for petitioner in Kaufman v. United States case. He served as Research Associate in the center for criminal justice, assisted in the establishment of the Harvard Prison Legal Assistance Project. He subsequently served as Professor and Director of Clinical Program at the Ohio State University College of Law, as Dean and Professor of the Mercer University School of Law.

Bryant William Bowles Jr. was a white supremacist bitterly opposed to racial integration of public schools in US. He joined the Marine Camps in 1939, was trained as a bugler, and served during World War II and the Korean War as a Corpal.

Michael McDonnell is a Florida civil and criminal trial lawyer whose clients have included film legend Hedy Lamarr, baseball hall of famer Gaylord Perry and members of the rock band Rush. His cases have been featured on Court TV where he is also a guest commentator.

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Florida Criminal Lawyer

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As the crime and criminal are growing at a faster pace, so there is a need to check this pace. Whenever a person gets affected by these criminals, he looks for a lawyer to protect him. These people trust the lawyers to a great extent. In Florida, basically there are many criminal lawyers. They are best known for their case winning strategy and successful background. Some names include Bruce Jacob, Bryant Bowles, Chasterfield Smith, Juan Ramirez, Michael Mcdnnell, Roy Black,Tim Howard. All these are very successful and well known. They practiced a lot and won various cases.

Bruce R. Jacob was Assistant Attorney General for the State of Florida during early 1960s. He won various cases, the biggest case was Gideon v. Wainwright, arguing against Gideon. After leaving the job, Jacob worked as a private lawyer for the firm of Holland, Bevis & Smith, now Holland & Knight in Bartow and Lakeland in Florida. He at that time completed his LL. M. degree at northwestern University, and joined the faculty of Emory University School of Law, where he established the legal Assistance for Inmates Program at the Atlanta Penitentiary.

In 1969, Jacob was appointed, by the Supreme Court, as counsel for petitioner in Kaufman v. United States case. He served as Research Associate in the center for criminal justice, assisted in the establishment of the Harvard Prison Legal Assistance Project. He subsequently served as Professor and Director of Clinical Program at the Ohio State University College of Law, as Dean and Professor of the Mercer University School of Law.

Bryant William Bowles Jr. was a white supremacist bitterly opposed to racial integration of public schools in US. He joined the Marine Camps in 1939, was trained as a bugler, and served during World War II and the Korean War as a Corpal.

Michael McDonnell is a Florida civil and criminal trial lawyer whose clients have included film legend Hedy Lamarr, baseball hall of famer Gaylord Perry and members of the rock band Rush. His cases have been featured on Court TV where he is also a guest commentator.

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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Criminal Law - Bail and Arraignments

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If a person is arrested for a criminal misdemeanor in Rhode Island (RI) there are several potential scenarios. The police could hold the accused and bring him to Court for an arraignment in District Court in the morning. The police also could call a justice of the peace / Bail Commissioner who could arraign the accused at the police station and release the person. The bail commissioner could also set bail in order for the person to be released.

It is usually not advisable for a person to give a statement to the police without a Rhode Island (RI) Criminal Lawyer / attorney. However, there are exceptions to every rule!

The accused who is arraigned by the justice of the peace must still attend a more formal arraignment in District Court after he / she is released from police custody.

The formal arraignment is the court hearing where a criminal defendant either pleads not guilty, or nolo contendere to the criminal charges. Nolo contendere means the person is admitting to the charges but is not contesting them. A defendant should never plead guilty. A nolo contendere plea is not a conviction unless there is a suspended sentence, fine or jail time. The scope of this article does not pertain to expungement law or a detailed explanation of the different pleas and sentences that can be imposed.

It is usually a very bad idea for a person to plea nolo contendere without an attorney at the arraignment. However, there are exceptions to this rule especially if the person will be held as a probation or bail violator. It is usually very strongly advisable that the defendant says not guilty and retains a Rhode Island criminal lawyer. If the accused cannot afford a private criminal attorney they should go to the Rhode Island Public Defender's office.

If the accused pleads nolo at the arraignment they will be sentenced to a filing, probation , suspended sentence or jail time. Usually, the accused will work out a plea agreement with the police officer prior to pleading nolo contendere.

At the arraignment in District Court, the person will typically be released on bail after the person pleads not guilty. An accused should hire a Rhode Island criminal attorney to represent him/ her at an arraignment. For minor misdemeanor offenses, bail is usually personal recognizance which means the person does not have to come up with any actual funds. A defendant released on personal recognizance, has to promise that they will attend court for future hearings and / or trial. Personal recognizance is designated as an amount of funds. The accused does not actually pay any money! However, If the person fails to attend court in the future the accused will owe that amount of money to the State of Rhode Island.

If the Rhode Island (RI ) District Court judge orders cash bail then the accused must pay that amount in cash to be released. If it is cash bail than the defendant cannot post property.

If the person is repeat criminal offender, the allegations are particularly bad, the person has a history of not attending court or for other reasons, then the court could set bail with surety. This means that the person only has to pay 10 percent of that amount or post property valued at full amount. If a person can not come up with ten percent then they can hire a bail bondsman who will post that amount for a fee. a Bail bondsman's fee is usually reasonable. If the person attends all Court dates then they will get that money back at the end of the case.

If the person arrested was out on bail for a previous offense, is on probation, is in the midst of a one year filing, suspended sentence or deferred sentence than the judge can hold the person as a"violator" pending a hearing. The judge can refuse to set bail and hold a person as a violator at the aci for ten business days which could be up to 14 days.

There will be a hearing 10 days later in which the person will be accused of violating probation or bail and also stand trial on the new charges. The scope of this article does not include an in depth analysis of bail / filing / probation violation hearings.

It is important that this criminal law article be used for informational purposes only and not as a substitute for seeking legal advice from a Rhode Island lawyer.

A misdemeanor is any offense punishable by up to one year in Jail. Typical misdemeanors are: driving under the influence of alcohol / drunk driving (dui / dwi), shoplifting, domestic assault, Second (2nd) offense refusal to take the breathalyzer, driving on a suspended license, writing bad checks, domestic vandalism, simple assault and battery, domestic disorderly, reckless driving, disorderly conduct, etc. There are different rules that apply to driving with suspended licenses and this article does not fully address those provisions.

Legal Notice per RI Rules of Professional Responsibility:

The Rhode Island Supreme Court licenses all lawyers and attorneys in the general practice of law, but does not license or certify any lawyer/ attorney as an expert or specialist in any field of practice.

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Criminal Law - Bail and Arraignments

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If a person is arrested for a criminal misdemeanor in Rhode Island (RI) there are several potential scenarios. The police could hold the accused and bring him to Court for an arraignment in District Court in the morning. The police also could call a justice of the peace / Bail Commissioner who could arraign the accused at the police station and release the person. The bail commissioner could also set bail in order for the person to be released.

It is usually not advisable for a person to give a statement to the police without a Rhode Island (RI) Criminal Lawyer / attorney. However, there are exceptions to every rule!

The accused who is arraigned by the justice of the peace must still attend a more formal arraignment in District Court after he / she is released from police custody.

The formal arraignment is the court hearing where a criminal defendant either pleads not guilty, or nolo contendere to the criminal charges. Nolo contendere means the person is admitting to the charges but is not contesting them. A defendant should never plead guilty. A nolo contendere plea is not a conviction unless there is a suspended sentence, fine or jail time. The scope of this article does not pertain to expungement law or a detailed explanation of the different pleas and sentences that can be imposed.

It is usually a very bad idea for a person to plea nolo contendere without an attorney at the arraignment. However, there are exceptions to this rule especially if the person will be held as a probation or bail violator. It is usually very strongly advisable that the defendant says not guilty and retains a Rhode Island criminal lawyer. If the accused cannot afford a private criminal attorney they should go to the Rhode Island Public Defender's office.

If the accused pleads nolo at the arraignment they will be sentenced to a filing, probation , suspended sentence or jail time. Usually, the accused will work out a plea agreement with the police officer prior to pleading nolo contendere.

At the arraignment in District Court, the person will typically be released on bail after the person pleads not guilty. An accused should hire a Rhode Island criminal attorney to represent him/ her at an arraignment. For minor misdemeanor offenses, bail is usually personal recognizance which means the person does not have to come up with any actual funds. A defendant released on personal recognizance, has to promise that they will attend court for future hearings and / or trial. Personal recognizance is designated as an amount of funds. The accused does not actually pay any money! However, If the person fails to attend court in the future the accused will owe that amount of money to the State of Rhode Island.

If the Rhode Island (RI ) District Court judge orders cash bail then the accused must pay that amount in cash to be released. If it is cash bail than the defendant cannot post property.

If the person is repeat criminal offender, the allegations are particularly bad, the person has a history of not attending court or for other reasons, then the court could set bail with surety. This means that the person only has to pay 10 percent of that amount or post property valued at full amount. If a person can not come up with ten percent then they can hire a bail bondsman who will post that amount for a fee. a Bail bondsman's fee is usually reasonable. If the person attends all Court dates then they will get that money back at the end of the case.

If the person arrested was out on bail for a previous offense, is on probation, is in the midst of a one year filing, suspended sentence or deferred sentence than the judge can hold the person as a"violator" pending a hearing. The judge can refuse to set bail and hold a person as a violator at the aci for ten business days which could be up to 14 days.

There will be a hearing 10 days later in which the person will be accused of violating probation or bail and also stand trial on the new charges. The scope of this article does not include an in depth analysis of bail / filing / probation violation hearings.

It is important that this criminal law article be used for informational purposes only and not as a substitute for seeking legal advice from a Rhode Island lawyer.

A misdemeanor is any offense punishable by up to one year in Jail. Typical misdemeanors are: driving under the influence of alcohol / drunk driving (dui / dwi), shoplifting, domestic assault, Second (2nd) offense refusal to take the breathalyzer, driving on a suspended license, writing bad checks, domestic vandalism, simple assault and battery, domestic disorderly, reckless driving, disorderly conduct, etc. There are different rules that apply to driving with suspended licenses and this article does not fully address those provisions.

Legal Notice per RI Rules of Professional Responsibility:

The Rhode Island Supreme Court licenses all lawyers and attorneys in the general practice of law, but does not license or certify any lawyer/ attorney as an expert or specialist in any field of practice.

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